2012-07-08 - RCT from KenGar with Ken and Rebecca


~6 miles @ ~11.2 min/mi

Karen Craney chats with me at the KenGar parking area on a sultry Sunday morning, with temperatures already in the 80s at 6:30am. She's leading the Fleet Feet training program for the Parks Half Marathon. Record high temperatures and punishing humidity are an incentive to run super-early pre-dawn. Plan One falls through, when a friend's daughter is injured and has a rough night. So Plan Two: KenGar, where I greet Ken Swab as he arrives a few minutes later. Rebecca Rosenberg is soon here. She took her dog Ivan to the emergency vet at 4am when he had a seizure. It's a rough day; the Garmin GPS trackfile shows us doing 11-12 min/mi until the last one, when Rebecca and I sprint ahead to go sub-10.

^z - 2012-08-05